Saturday, December 17, 2011

Fiesta 5k Race Report

My first ever timing chip (Bailey wanted to wear it, apparently)
I did the Fiesta 5k with my sister and her friend Josie - what a hoot! Considering that we almost didn't do it because of the weather, I think we did a pretty great job.

Is it just me, or does that say "Iran Fiesta"??
It was cold and drizzly the morning of the race, but I was able to go out the night before and get a windbreaker and a pair of running gloves - I learned from my last mistake at the Super Hero 5k! I had ear warmers, too, which I was VERY glad to have.

I was getting all my stuff ready before my sister picked me up, and I have to be honest here - I could not figure out how to put the damn timing chip on. Seriously! What a dweeb, huh? I finally figured it out:

We got to the event venue and hung out with the rest of the crowd, watching the marathon runners in amazement, figuring they had probably already run a 5k as a warm up by the time we got there. I was bundled up and shivering, and they were out running in, as I called it, "a pair of short shorts, a string, and a glove". Seriously, these folks are a different breed altogether!

It was REALLY chilly as we were standing around waiting to start. I took some shots of folks waiting at the start line:

 We got someone to take a pic of the three of us before we started:

 Then this goofy guy was wandering around, so my sis and I had our pics taken with him:

Why is he drinking in MY pic?? Do I have that effect on people or what?
I didn't take any pics out on the course because it was drizzling and I was just too frickin' cold. I finally started warming up when we were about 1/2 mile from the finish, but by then all we could think about was getting to the line and getting out of the wind.

We got someone to take a shot of us with our finisher's medals (my first one EVER!), then hung out for a bit before deciding to head home and get un-chilled.
Proud and happy finishers!

I finished in 54:30.0 according to the official timekeeper, and I'm using that as my base time since it's really the only official 5k time I have. Hopefully next race will be a PR!

My first EVER medal and the gloves and ear warmer that saved my bacon ;-)

We've decided to try and do a 5k every month until we get around to this Fiesta thing again, which we are hoping to be able to run next year. It's fun to have goals!


misszippy said...

Congrats! Sounds like you had a great time and got a big boost of confidence to boot. Keep up the good work.

Ray Garza said...

Great job Getting out there dispite the weather challenge!

Caratunk Girl said...

CONGRATS!!! Sounds like you had a blast!!!! So excited for you, and you have some great future goals to boot!!

You should see people in Maine dressed for the MidWinter 10 mile classic in FEB....they are wearing SHORTS an tanks IN MAINE in the middle of winter. Crazy. I am always bundled up, I couldn't imagine!!!