It was actually my blog buddy KC who suggested that I find other events to focus on, and it worked. There's a website I check often that lists local running and biking events, and it's usually pretty up to date. I checked it today and was very sad to see that the next biking event isn't until April 30th. That's practically forever!
I started eyeing all of the upcoming running events and I thought, "Hmmm. Why not?"
First, I will just say flat out that I have NEVER been a runner. I was on my junior high track team in 7th and 8th grade, but I don't think I did much running. I'm not really sure exactly what I did, but I do remember having this awesome pair of multi-colored shorts I wore that made my coach laugh. At least, I think that's what she was laughing at...
Anyway...I've been reading a lot of running blogs lately and find myself really envying my fellow bloggers who are so passionate about running, whether they are exclusively runners or triathletes. I used to run a few years ago but I aggravated an old ankle injury and that's when I turned more to cycling. I can remember feeling SO GOOD after my runs and feeling so NOT GOOD when I had to stop because of injury. Now that my ankle issues seem to have gone away I'm thinking seriously about getting into running again.
All of the blogs I follow are wonderful and very inspirational; there have been a couple of folks who have written lately about how when they first started running even a mile seemed impossible, and now they're running marathons and Ironmans (Ironmen? What's proper here?). I really absorbed what they had to say and have decided that I want to be able to write, in a few months or whenever, that I once thought a 5K was beyond me but now a 10K is like a walk in the park. Okay, maybe not a walk in the park, but at least possible. I am, as ever, in complete awe of anyone who can run for miles on end and remain focused on their goal...I just hope I can find that same courage and determination within myself. I learned long ago that my mind is a dangerous thing...
I started the Couch to 5K program a few months ago and was really enjoying it, but life got in the way and I had to miss a few days so I decided to put it on the back burner. I'm thinkin' it's time to start up again and take advantage of some of these running events that are coming up.

I've got my sights set on one event in particular: the 1st Annual 2011 Run at Borderfest on March 6th.

So, this may be me someday soon:

Or not. But it's something to aim for, right?
I would definitely read Born To Run..it is THE book that will get you stoked for running.
Other than that, take it slow, keep at it and I know you will be fine.
You've got a running partner if you need / want one :-)
I need to look into a new pair of Nike Free's anyway, this just gives me a good reason :-P
Sounds good to me! LOL you and your dang Nike Frees!
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